Smithills School, Smithills Dean Road, Smithills

ENTERPRISE is an integral part of the giant Smithills school and all pupils take part in a wide range of activities.

Enterprise at the 1,500-pupil school comes in many forms and happens regularly within the school and out in the community.

Students organise projects and competitions in local primary schools and help start projects both with the young and elderly.

Many projects and activities involve students working with outside groups, from the young to the elderly.

Throughout the academic year all students attend year group conferences where the elements of being enterprising are central.

Two year groups take part in social enterprise activities to raise funds for charitable causes and students decide which receives their support.

Several students took part in the national Mosaic Enterprise Challenge and one group won £2,000 as runner-up.

Printzone is a successful student printing business set up with a £10,000 loan to buy the printer and software. It produces work for businesses, individuals and the school.

Sally Haworth, work-related learning and enterprise manager, said: “Printzone was set up by students to be run by students and they are producing fantastic quality work at reasonable prices and it is making money.”

“Students and staff are constantly using enterprise in its many forms. In addition, students are constantly coming up with imaginative ideas to benefit not only school, but also the community.

“We are delighted to have been nominated for this award. It’s a great tribute to the hard work put in by all the staff and students.

“Smithills is an enterprising school in every sense, and we are proud of what we have achieved.”