Cahill Dental Centre, Higher Bridge Street, Bolton

CAHILLS Dental Care Centre came into being in 1994 but the origins of the company stretch back to the 1960s when there was a successful NHS practice.

The firm prides itself on offering a wide range of services to its customers and it decided to go private in 1998 when it found it could not deliver the services it wanted under the NHS.

The Higher Bridge Street practice now boasts nine staff and is located in bright, modern premises in Higher Bridge Street.

Dr Michael Cahill joined the practice in 1989 as an associate, later becoming a partner and in 1994 he bought the business.

The company’s core philosophy is customer care at all levels, be it providing someone to talk to for new customers, to the way patients are greeted at reception.

All decisions affecting customer care are taken by the whole team, as everyone’s role with the patients is of equal importance and the core belief is to create relationships based on trust, respect and loyalty.

The team frequently reviews how it does business across the spread of services it offers, including dentists, hygienists, managers, nurses and receptionists.

The practice plans to take on new staff to fulfil its three-year plan of expanding the business. Both Dr Cahill and the team have won numerous awards based on customer care.

Practice manager Gaynor Horridge, said: “Everything we do here is based around customer care and we do feel that we provide the ultimate in customer excellence.

“We make sure each customer is looked after — we make sure our customers have longer appointments and they can have coffee or tea or some nibbles.

“If people are waiting for someone having treatment they can check their emails on a computer in reception. We try to give personalised care to all our customers.”