A man from Prestwich has walked over 65 miles with his friend to raise money for Cancer Research.

Peter Adamson and his pal Harry Morris spent the weekend of October 21 and 22 walking from Prestwich with the aim of reaching Telford in Shropshire, which is 80 miles away.

Read more: Prestwich Cancer survivor to do Manchester charity walk

The reason Peter chose to raise money for Cancer Research is due to his grandad, Percival Rex Adamson dying from leukaemia in 1974 at the age of 51.

Peter never met his grandad however to mark what would have been his 100th birthday and for the millions of people in the UK currently battling cancer, he decided to take on this challenge.

The pair set off from Prestwich at 5am on Saturday aiming to reach Telford by Sunday evening however had to bow out with just 14 miles to go due to health concerns.

Read more: Bury man who suffered cardiac arrest to walk 150 miles for charities

Peter said: "I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved.

“The human body can do anything when you put your mind to it.

“People who have cancer have to suffer for months or years with it, so if we have to suffer for two days and it benefits one person suffering with cancer, it is worth it.

"We reached an area of no phone signal, no data signal and no houses so at 10pm on Sunday evening, we had to end the walk for our own safety.

“However, I am determined to do the remaining 14 miles around Manchester once my feet have healed. It's been an experience I'll never forget."

Read more: Woman to embark on charity walk for MS UK

The pair have smashed their target of £1,000, with the total raised currently standing at £1,530.

Peter added: "Thanks to everyone who has donated and supported us and the remarkable acts of human kindness on display."

To donate to the fundraiser, visit their GoFundMe at https://www.gofundme.com/f/peters-walk-for-cancer-research?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer