Dozens of rental properties have been repossessed in Bury without an explicit reason despite a government pledge to ban no fault evictions.

The latest figures from the Ministry of Justice show that 75 repossessions were made through "accelerated possession orders" in the borough since the beginning of April 2019.

Of these, 32 were completed in the year to June – up from 16 in the year before.

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Due to the practice remaining legal, hundreds of families risk being thrown into homelessness.

Currently, a landlord can issue a Section 21 eviction order where the tenant must vacate the property within two months.

The landlord does not have to provide a reason why.

These "no-fault" evictions have accounted for 22,440 repossessions across England and Wales since April 2019, when the government pledged to ban them in its election manifesto.

Meanwhile, there were 47 per cent more Section 21 notices served in the three months to June than in the same period last year.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities said its Renters Reform Bill "will protect renters by abolishing section-21 ‘no-fault’ evictions".

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A spokesperson said: "We are committed to creating a private rented sector that is fit for the 21st century, which works for responsible landlords while giving tenants greater security in their homes."

Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: "With private rents reaching record highs and no-fault evictions continuing to rise, hundreds of families risk being thrown into homelessness every day.

"We speak to renters all the time who feel like they have zero control over their own lives because the threat of eviction is constantly hanging over them.

"The Renters Reform Bill will make renting more secure, and for those who live in fear of the bailiffs knocking at their door, these changes can’t come soon enough.

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"The moment Parliament resumes, the government must get rid of 'no-fault' evictions, which have made the prospect of a stable home little more than a fantasy for England’s 11m private renters."

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